Quality and Accountability
Quality and Accountability Hub

When: Aug 03-05, 2023
Where: O’Spring Murree
Language: Urdu / English
Interested: Click here to register
Last Date to Apply: July 10, 2023

Background and Rationale

Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) refers to programmes where cash or vouchers for goods or services are provided to affected populations. It’s an approach that consists of linkages, capacities, incentives and relationships to encourage effective market recovery. CTP can be done for emergency response, early recovery and long-term development.

Community World Service Asia is inviting applicants to a 3 day workshop on “Cash Transfer Programming”. Those who are interested to learn more about cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian settings must join. The goal of this workshop is to build and strengthen the capacity of aid workers in Cash Transfer Programming so that they can be more efficient and effective in addressing most pressing needs in the humanitarian context by utilising best practices, relevant tools & standards.

Aims & Objectives:

This three day workshop aims to introduce & enhance the capacity of participants to consider Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) in assessments and responses to emergencies. At the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Define key CTP terms and concepts,
  • Describe the stages in the CTP process,
  • Describe additional information needed to assess the feasibility of using CTP,
  • Link the need for market analysis as a critical factor in planning interventions,
  • List issues related to designing and implementing cash transfer interventions,
  • Describe key issues when monitoring prices and social issues,
  • Consider what to include in the contingency planning process and preparedness activities in order to be ready for a timely CTP emergency response.


The “Blended Learning” approach developed by CWSA over decades of experience will be applied in this training. The approach is participatory and needs based in nature. It includes the selection of participants from various organisations at various levels. Content development and methodology will be based on the needs of the training participants and experienced and skilled trainers will lead the sessions. Action plans will be developed and follow-up refreshers, coaching and mentoring support will be assured.

Number of Participants:

18 – 20 participants will be selected for the training. Women staff and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to participants from organisations based in underserved areas. Applicants will be informed by 15th July, 2023 about their confirmation status.

Selection Criteria:

  • Mid or senior level manager from civil society organisations, preferably field staff of large CSOs or CSOs with main offices in small towns and cities.
  • Primary responsibility for project/programme assessments, design, monitoring and impact assessment at the project and/ or organisational level.
  • No previous experience/ participation in training on Cash Transfer Programming
  • Willingness to pay a training fees of PKR 10000/. Exemptions may be applied for by CSOs with limited funding and those from marginalised groups. Discount of 10% on early registration by 30th June, 2023 and 20% discount will be awarded to women participants.
  • Commitment to apply learning in your work, including dissemination of learning within organisations.

Community World Service Asia (CWSA) is a humanitarian and development organisation, registered in Pakistan, headquartered in Karachi and implementing initiatives throughout Asia. CWSA is a member of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance, a member of Sphere and their regional partner in Asia and also manages the ADRRN Quality & Accountability Hub in Asia. For more details please visit our website: www.communityworldservice.asia

If you wish to participate, kindly register here

When: July 31 – Aug 02, 2023 (arrival at venue on 30th July 2023)
Where: O’Spring, Murree
Language: Urdu / English
Interested: Click here to apply
Last Date to Apply: July 10, 2023


The Sphere movement started in 1997 by a group of humanitarian professionals aiming to improve the quality of humanitarian work during disaster response. With this goal in mind, they framed a Humanitarian Charter and identified a set of humanitarian standards to be applied in humanitarian response. Sphere minimum standards emphasize a rights-based approach and a focus on the affected population. As a result, a more compassionate and empathetic response to humanitarian crises is promoted, with a primary focus on the needs and rights of affected individuals and communities. Overall, using Sphere minimum standards ensures a high level of quality, accountability, and effectiveness in humanitarian response. Adopting these standards can help to create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce capable of providing timely and appropriate assistance to those in need, thereby improving the outcomes and impact of humanitarian interventions.

Community World Service Asia is inviting applications for a 3 day workshop on “Sphere Minimum Standards” in Murree. The goal of this training is to strengthen the capacity of aid workers around Sphere Standards so that they can efficiently and effectively address most pressing needs in a humanitarian context by applying the Sphere Minimum Standards, which is a well-known Quality and accountability tool at the global-level.

Aims & Objectives:

This 3 day workshop aims to strengthen participants’ knowledge on the Sphere standards and to support them learn how to best apply these standards in their programmes.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the philosophy and approach of Sphere
  • Understand and describe the relationship between Sphere, Humanitarian Charter and Rights Based Approach
  • Learn to describe the use of Sphere Handbook
  • Learn to apply Sphere in humanitarian projects/programme cycle Share experiences of applying Sphere Standards in Pakistan


The “Blended Learning” approach developed by CWSA over decades of experience will be used in this workshop. The approach will be participatory and needs based in nature. It shall include the selection of participants from various organisations at various levels, and the development of content and methodology will be based on the needs of the participants. Experienced and knowledgeable trainers/practitioners will be engaged and will help participants develop action plans, conduct follow-up refreshers and will provide coaching and mentoring support.

Number of Participants:

18 – 20 participants will be selected for the workshop. Women staff and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to participants from organisations based in underserved areas. Applicants will be informed by-July 15th, 2023 about their confirmation status.

Selection Criteria:

  • Mid or senior level managers in a civil society organisation, field staff of large CSOs or CSOs with main offices in small towns and cities.
  • Those having primary responsibility to design, assess, implement & monitor projects/programmes
  • Staff with Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) responsibilities at the project and/ or organizational levels.
  • No previous experience/ participation in training on Sphere Minimum Standards
  • Commitment to apply learning in their work, including dissemination of learning within their organization.
  • Willingness to pay a Training Fees of PKR 10,000/-. Exemptions may be applied for CSOs with limited funding and those from marginalised groups. Discount of 10% on early registration by June 28th, 2023 and 20% discount will be awarded to women participants.

Community World Service Asia (CWSA) is a humanitarian and development organisation, registered in Pakistan, headquartered in Karachi and implementing initiatives throughout Asia. CWSA is a member of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance, a member of Sphere and their regional partner in Asia and also manages the ADRRN Quality & Accountability Hub in Asia. For more details visit our website: www.communityworldservice.asia

If you wish to participate, kindly register here

In December 2022, thirty-five compassionate humanitarian professionals convened for a transformative Quality, Accountability, and Safeguarding (QAS) workshop. Their mission? To share and learn innovative, locally-driven approaches in implementing QAS standards and to explore the art and influence of the mentorship approach to promoting and mainstreaming QAS standards.

This gathering, titled, a Pool of Humanitarian Mentors Workshop, brought together an experienced array of global leaders and practitioners in the promotion and implementation of QAS, including Protection against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH). As the workshop unfolded, attendees shared their diverse experiences, were introduced to new tools and approaches, while crafting a realistic and practical mentorship framework to be shared far and wide.

Six months later, on June 5, 2023, a regroup meeting of these mentors took centre stage. With eager hearts and minds, they reconvened to exchange experiences of how the mentorship approach garnered from the workshop had been applied and unfolded in their respective domains. Enthusiastic discussions ignited, seeking pathways for future collaboration and engagement, fuelled by the collective goal of putting people first and ensuring dignified response in every way possible.

As the mentors skilfully incorporated QAS learnings into their programming and organisational practices and policies, the workshop’s influence could be felt across the corridors of humanitarian action. Within the mentors’ own organisations, capacity-enhancing activities were launched, while relevant policies also underwent revisions, aligning with newfound QAS learnings. Yet, amid these noble endeavours, challenges emerged. Time management emerged as a common hurdle, as did the need to define broad concepts like Safeguarding and contextualising them for every region, locality and community participant.

To overcome these obstacles and amplify their impact, the mentors together mapped a path forward. Subgroups on key QAS themes will be formed, enabling a specialised focus and opportunities to engage in joint activities such as webinars and trainings. Additionally, a common resource library will be created, serving as a repository where mentors can share case stories, toolkits, approaches, and training materials.

Community World Service Asia (CWSA) remains steadfast in its commitment to act as a catalyst and connector on QAS within the humanitarian landscape. By linking like-minded individuals, fostering interaction, and facilitating mutual learning, CWSA aims to enhance accountability to affected populations. With the mentors serving as beacons of knowledge and change, the journey towards a more accountable and safeguarded humanitarian sector gains momentum.

As the regroup meeting concluded, a sense of renewed purpose filled the room. Armed with shared experiences and an unwavering commitment to accountability and people-centered aid and development, these mentors are motivated to transform communities, uplift lives, and uphold the principles of quality, accountability, and safeguarding. Through their collective efforts, they embody the true spirit of collaboration, steering the course towards a more inclusive and responsible future.

When: 19th- 21st June 2023 (arrival at venue on 18th June 2023 before 7 pm)
Where: Murree, Punjab
Language: Urdu and English
Interested Applicants: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Last Date to Apply: 25th May 2023 (incomplete applications will not be entertained)

Leading in Complexity and Ambiguity training will be directed at the senior staff of NGOs. It will use the ‘Authentic Leader’ model and provide opportunities to the participants to reflect on their leadership style and its relevance and effectiveness. It will give them knowledge on leadership competencies based on research with contemporary leaders. They will also have opportunities for practicing and sharpening their personal leadership skills and competencies. Methodology of this training includes self-reflection and analysis, working with buddies, exercises. These will be interspersed with lectures by the external trainer and experience sharing by prominent leaders from the development and corporate sectors. Coaching and mentoring support will be provided to 30% of participant organisations to help them apply their learning.

Training Objectives

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand the different leadership styles and competencies.
  • Reflect on their leadership style based on their self-assessment and others’ perceptions/feedback.
  • Sharpen/strengthen their leadership competencies.
  • Develop action plans for peer support and coaching/mentoring.


The approach used in this training is the ‘Blended Learning’ approach developed by CWSA’s Capacity Enhancement Project (CEP) in its previous phases. The approach is participatory and needs-based in nature. It consists of selection of participants from diverse organisations at different levels, content and methodology designed with and based on the needs of the training participants, use of experienced and knowledgeable trainers, flexible content and methodology during the training, development of action plans and follow up refreshers and coaching and mentoring support.

Number of Participants

  • 18-22 participants will be selected for the training. Female staff and those with disabilities and from ethnic/religious minorities are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to participants from organisations based in underserved areas.

Selection Criteria

  • No previous exposure/participation in leadership training
  • Mid or senior level manager in a civil society organisation, preferably field staff of large CSOs or CSOs with main office in small towns and cities
  • Participants from women led organisations, those of persons with disabilities, religious/ethnic minorities will be preferred
  • Commitment to apply learning in their work, including dissemination of learning within their organisation.

Fee Details

  • Training fee for each participant is PKR 15,000. Fee concessions and scholarships are available for participants belonging to marginalised groups and NGOs with limited funding.
  • No TA/DA will be given to participants and travel expenses will be incurred by participants themselves.


Mr. Arif Jabbar is the Country Director of Water Aid Pakistan. Mr. Arif is a leadership Coach and is currently coaching a number of staff members in public and private institutions. Mr. Khan holds an M.Phil. degree in Public Policy from the National Defence University Islamabad and was awarded with the President’s Gold Medal. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering (Water Resource Development) from the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. Mr. Arif is an Eisenhower Fellow wherein he studied the “Americans with Disabilities Act” during his Fellowship. He was the Chief of Party of USAID Ambassador’s Fund Grant Programme and has served Oxfam International as the Global Head of Humanitarian Campaigns, Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for Southern Africa and East Asia, Country Director in Pakistan and South Africa, in addition to holding other portfolios. He also served as the Country Director, Pakistan with Voluntary Service Overseas –VSO, Regional Grants Manager, Asia with Child fund International, Director Programme Operations, Sri Lanka with Save the Children and Director Operations, Market Development Facility with The Palladium Group.


Community World Service Asia (CWSA) is a humanitarian and development organization, registered in Pakistan, head-quartered in Karachi and implementing initiatives throughout Asia. CWSA is member of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance, a member of Sphere and their regional partner in Asia and also manages the ADRRN Quality & Accountability Hub in Asia.

Community World Service Asia (CWSA)and the Humanitarian Action Initiative (HAI) of the Elliott School of International affairs, George Washington University organised a half-day conference at the start of 2022 Regional Humanitarian Partnership week, hosted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), the International Council for Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) and CWSA. Marcus Werne (Regional director of UNOCHA), Takeshi Komino (Secretary General, ADRRN) and Keya Choudhary (Regional Representative, ICVA) opened the conference by outlining the state of humanitarian sector in the region and the challenges ahead, and provided a summary of the schedule of events.

CWSA and HAI intended to flip the script of many gatherings: rather than bemoan the obstacles, which are well known at this point, they wanted to hear about how they manage to act boldly and creatively to stand and deliver despite the innumerable barriers. The conference had three parts: an overview of the barriers; the strategies developed to overcome these barriers; and how these strategies can help chart a more productive path in the future.

Palwashay Arbab, CWSA’s head of communications, opened the proceedings, followed by Dr. Maryam Zarnegar Deloffre, Associate Professor of International Affairs and Director of HAI. Maryam summarised the intent of the conference in the following way: “Success is not downplaying the challenges, but despite the challenges being able to provide assistance. We need to reform the system, but we also need to focus on what’s working.”

When: 13th-15th March 2023

Where: Peshawar, KPK

Language: Urdu and English

Interested Applicants: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Training Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Re-conceptualize core notion of sustainable development
  • Adopt innovative approaches to sustainable development leadership.
  • Use your leadership skills to advance sustainable development.
  • Tackle the complexities and synergies of sustainable development across environmental, social, and economic spheres.
  • Work more with partners from a variety of sectors and beyond institutional boundaries.


At the UN Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015, more than 150 world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 Sustainable Development Goals aim to end poverty, hunger and inequality, take action on climate change and the environment, improve access to health and education, build strong institutions and partnerships, and more. The performance of any country, in seeking to achieve the SDGs, to a large extent depends on its leadership. Achieving the SDGs will require the concerted efforts of governments, the business sector, civil society, and individual citizens.

The world needs effective leadership for sustainable development and this leadership requires an inner process, in which a leader must first be grounded in an understanding of self and a relational view of the world, in order to effectively work with others to make change. This training will be focused on the leadership aspect of sustainable development.

Number of Participants

  • A maximum of 20 participants will be selected for the training. Women and staff belonging to ethnic/religious minorities are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to participants representing organizations working in remote and under-served areas.

Selection Criteria

  • Participant’s organization should be registered with its respective provincial Social Welfare Department
  • Participant is in a mid/senior position for leadership role working in a local/national NGO
  • Participants from women led organizations, different abled persons, minority groups will be given preference
  • Commitment to apply learning in their work, including dissemination of learning within their organization

Fee Details

  • Training fee for each participant is PKR 10,000. Fee concessions and scholarships are available for participants belonging marginalised groups and NGOs with limited funding.
  • No TA/DA will be given to participants and travel expenses will be incurred by participants themselves.

Facilitator/Lead Trainer:

Mr. Sohail Muhammad Ali is a high-performing research and capacity-building specialist and trainer with

expertise in research, training and development to maximize human resource outputs in social development and education sectors. He is a respected & proven advisor to non-government organizations and has played an active role in providing guidance on research and development functions to promote and innovative solutions to social developmental challenges. He is an influential and inspirational leader with excellent human capital development skills.

Mr. Sohail has the experience of working in South Asia, Africa and Europe. He has conducted professional development workshops and capacity building sessions. He has served as a national and international consultant for organizations including Leonard Cheshire (LC) UK, World Bank, USAID, Care International, UNICEF, Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP), Academy for Educational Development (AED), Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), Transparency International, Lead Pakistan, British Council Pakistan, Human Resource Development Network (HRDN), and others.


Community World Service Asia (CWSA) is a humanitarian and development organization, registered in Pakistan, head-quartered in Karachi and implementing initiatives throughout Asia. CWSA is member of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance, a member of Sphere and their regional partner in Asia and also manages the ADRRN Quality & Accountability Hub in Asia.

When: 13th-15th March 2023 (arrival at venue on 12th March 2023)
Where: Murree, Punjab
Language: Urdu and English
Interested Applicants: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Last Date to Apply: 15th February 2023 (incomplete applications will not be entertained)

Training Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand the audience of the report
  • Organize your thinking into a clear, logical structure before beginning to write
  • Learn the Do’s and Don’ts of effective report writing
  • Review for logical style and flow, plain English usage and correct style
  • Develop understanding of technical tools and approaches for effective report writing
  • Write reports based on the requirements of organization / or donors.


Report writing is a powerful communication skill and is a key requirement for NGOs and CSOs to capture their activities as well as ensure effective monitoring and accountability. It may be written for a wide range of audiences from donor and government departments to internal management and partners. In this three-day report writing workshop, you’ll learn how to apply timeless report-writing principles to any scenario. You’ll learn to craft each report around a concise high-level message, followed by logical ordered and support points. You’ll learn how to decide on the scale and scope of technical detail to include, what to do about business jargon, and what to do when new facts. How to change the report angle as well as use of infographics and PPT to make your it clearer and more effective.

Number of Participants

  • A maximum of 20 participants will be selected for the training. Women and staff belonging to ethnic/religious minorities are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to participants representing organizations working in remote and under-served areas.

Selection Criteria

  • Participant’s organization should be registered with its respective provincial Social Welfare Department
  • Participant is working in a local/national NGO with responsibility of report writing in some capacity
  • Participants from women led organisations, different abled persons, minority groups will be given preference
  • Commitment to apply learning in their work, including dissemination of learning within their organisation

Fee Details

  • Training fee for each participant is PKR 10,000. Fee concessions and scholarships are available for participants belonging marginalised groups and NGOs with limited funding.
  • No TA/DA will be given to participants and travel expenses will be incurred by participants themselves.


Ms. Danish Batool Zaidi

Ms. Batool is associated with Social Development Sector since 2011, She has been working with number of National and International Organizations in Pakistan. Her core expertise is mainly related to Organizational Capacity Development, Public Health, Local Governance, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, Sustainable Development Goals framework agenda, Gender Justice, Children/Adolescents, and Youth Leadership/empowerment for social change.

In collaboration with Indus Health Network and provincial Governments, she developed the manual/curriculum for adolescents and teachers of government secondary schools titled, Adolescent Health and Leadership Course for Kiran Sitara Students and Teachers. The manual was approved by the Education Departments of Sindh and KPK and consisted of topics such as Leadership, Communication Skills, Health and Nutrition, Child Protection, and Social Action Project Planning. She also organized various stakeholder’s groups to implement the Effective Community Development approach for engaging communities for sustainable change. She also served as Global Call for Action against Poverty Youth Coordinator while coordinating with 53 PARC (People’s Awareness and Rights Committees) Networks in 15 districts of Southern Punjab.

She developed Behaviour Change Models and especially focused on the use of media as a change medium. She appeared in several TV programmes, raising voices on citizens’ rights, active citizenship, women’s rights etc. She also ran radio campaigns on Early and Child Marriages, Family Planning, Water and Sanitation, Violence Against Women and Youth Friendly Health Services.

She recently developed the training manual on “Prevention of Violent Extremism in South Asian Countries” in collaboration with University of Peshawar. She represented Pakistan as a youth/women’s right activist on many national and international platform, in 2020, Seven of position papers along-with digital posters have been selected for World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health by Canadian Government.

Syeda Yumna Hasany

Yumna has over nine years of experience in the development sector, in the areas of program development, project management, and communications. She completed her master’s degree in public policy and governance in 2019, from Australian National University, Canberra, under the Australia Award Scholarship Program. She is a fellow of the Legislative Fellowship Program for India and Pakistan, organized by the U.S. Department of State, for policymakers and development practitioners. Currently, she is leading the Program Development Unit at Community World Service Asia.

She is a development consultant and the former manager of the health program, at a local non-profit organization-Akhtar Hameed Khan Resource (AHKRC). AHKRC is working in areas of reproductive health, education, and entrepreneurship in the urban slums of Pakistan. Previously she has worked in different NGOs such as Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment (DTCE) and LEAD Pakistan working in areas of women’s leadership, health, and rule of law.

She has also been affiliated with Radio Pakistan since 2010, working for Planet 94 and FM101 radio station as a radio host, voice-over artist, and content writer, hosting shows on literature, art, and social issues.

She is also a trainer in communications and leadership. Currently, she is the lead trainer and mentor for the Girls4Girls program an initiative of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government with a mission to “Empower Girls”.


Community World Service Asia (CWSA) is a humanitarian and development organization, registered in Pakistan, head-quartered in Karachi, and implementing initiatives throughout Asia. CWSA is a member of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance, a member of Sphere and their regional partner in Asia, and also manages the ADRRN Quality & Accountability Hub in Asia.