Improving teachers’ skills and knowledge is seen as one of the most important investments, of time and resources, that local, state, and civil leaders...
An exposure visit of sixty farmers from Badin, Sindh, to the Central Cotton Research Institute, Agriculture Training Institute and Wheat Research Institute was conducted...
According to the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS), 2012-13, maternal and child death remains a major concern in Pakistan. In the provincial public...
The human resources department oversees a number of functions within the organization, including recruitment, training, policy development, staff care, monitoring certain policies and even...
Under the Capacity Institutionalization Project, Community World Service Asia conducted a four-day workshop on Organizational Development during the third week of this February in...
Aqlan, a thirty-two year old mother of five school going children financially supports her family, including her husband and brother-in-law. Her main source of...