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Capacity Building

DurationJan 01, 2012Dec 01, 2014
LocationPakistan and Nepal
Key Activities
  • Development of curriculum and workbooks to enhance the knowledge, understanding, and skills of teachers and students relating to the Do No Harm approach and Local Capacities for Peace tools
  • Conducting training for teachers to enable them to engage students in activities that encourage cooperation, consensus building, and reflective listening
  • Organizing youth camps for students to explore these themes in-depth and train young people as peace ambassadors
  • Regional exposure visits for young people from Pakistan and Nepal to develop linkages and learn from each others’ experiences.
Participants 60 teachers
135 Pakistani youth
5 Nepali youth

I had a conventional way of teaching previously. During the training, the trainers treated us as school kids which helped me build perception of understanding the student’s point of view. I was highly moved by the problem sharing exercise where the teacher has to listen to every student’s problems individually. I am now more aware of child psychology.

Ghazala Gill, a primary school teacher at DAWS Allied School Burewala.

I was a scared girl once at home, but teaching brought me to a challenging world and believing in myself. This workshop has given me another perspective to teach through interactive methods, keeping the students energized. I stayed with people of different religions and culture and developed a sense of living through no discrimination and interfaith harmony.

Fatima, a school teacher at ARM Child and Youth Welfare, Karachi

DurationOct 01, 2013Sep 01, 2016
LocationPunjab and Sindh provinces, Pakistan
Key Activities
  • Awareness-raising workshops educating participants about democracy and discrimination against religious minority communities
  • Training workshops to equip participants with advocacy skills
  • Development and performance of theater pieces by youth from religious minorities within their communities to promote awareness of their rights
  • Peer activities conducted by students to promote awareness among the student body of issues of discrimination
  • Building relationships between university students and youth from religious minorities to create strong links and networks across social divides
Participants200 university students
56 young people from religious minority communities

According to the statistics there is a lot of youth in Pakistan so they have the power to change the nation.

Adnan Nasir, student at University of Central Punjab

I have learned about the actual meaning of democracy and also learned what should be my behavior as a good citizen.

Nazish Jabeen, student at University of Agriculture