

“My entire family was at home as the earthquake struck. I yelled at all of them to come out to the open yard in...

November 3, 1600 Hrs. Pakistan Standard Time ACT Pakistan Forum is hosting an online discussion with MR. GEORGE KHOURY, Head of the United Nations...

The World Food day is celebrated as the day of action against hunger and commemorates the creation of UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)...

Community World Service Asia celebrated International Literacy Day with the community in Thatta.  Supported by Christian Aid, we have opened two adult literacy centers...

Dr. Shazia Shah, 30 years old, from Jamshoro, Sindh, is a humanitarian worker and a practising gynaecologist. She works for Community World Service Asia...

To build an understanding of the brand new Quality and Accountability (Q & A) initiative, the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), the Q&A team of...

Community World Service Asia organized and conducted a four day training on Sphere Minimum Standards focusing primarily on the theme of Persons with Disabilities...

Heavy rains have been severely affecting communities in Union Council Bijora, District Thatta, in the Sindh province of Pakistan.  Community World Service Asia has...

Community members from Union Council Bijora, District Thatta, put evacuation drills into practice as they gather on the high ground of the embankment, constructed...