Situation Update Afghanistan Earthquake
Earthquake Survivors in Dire Need of Humanitarian Support in Afghanistan
The latest figures reported by the World Health Organisation (WHO) confirm the loss of 1,039 lives, with 2,949 people injured and 4,500 houses damaged across Paktika and Khost Provinces after the 5.9 M earthquake that struck Afghanistan on June 21st.
To meet the immediate needs of the most vulnerable earthquake affected families, Community World Service Asia (CWSA) with the gracious support of its global partners[1], has started assisting 535 families with cash assistance to purchase food, medical supplies and other essentials. The cash assistance of USD 80 will continue for three consecutive months to affected families in Khost and Paktika provinces. We are prioritising support to child-headed families, orphaned children and families with more children. Families are in dire need of shelter, food, psycho-social support, water and hygiene.
With the support of its partners, CWSA plans to assist a total of 3500 affected families with cash transfers for food and basic needs for a period of three months in districts Geyan and Barmal in Paktika Province and District Spera in Khost Province. We also plan to construct 100 earthquake resilient houses for affected families.
With humanitarian support ongoing for earthquake affected communities, the latest flash floods in Afghanistan have left thousands of new families displaced and in need of immediate shelter, food, non-food items, water and hygiene. According to UNCOHA, the flash floods have reportedly killed 39 people across five provinces, including Uruzgan, Ghazni, Nuristan, Paktya and Zabul. Nine of those killed were children, including six in Ghazni and three in Paktya provinces. The heavy rains have damaged or destroyed around 2,900 houses and also disrupted livelihoods. Critical civilian infrastructure such as roads and bridges have also been damaged.
[1] Rapid Response Fund (RRF), CWS Japan and United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)