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Human Rights

DurationApr 01, 2015Mar 31, 2018
LocationDistrict Umerkot, Thatta, Sindh Province
Key Activities
  • Developing women’s skills in embroidery, dying, block printing and quilting through vocational training;
  • Formation of Women’s Enterprise Groups;
  • Training of women with basic literacy and numeracy skills as Sales and Marketing Agents;
  • Training of skilled women as Quality Assurance Supervisors;
  • Gender awareness activities to sensitize communities on gender discrimination and encourage support of women’s income-generation, control over resources and household decision-making;
  • Formation of Household Gender Action Groups
Participants700 women in vocational training
3,080 immediate and 7,560 extended household members benefitting from increased income
1,400 men and community members benefitting directly from gender sensitization activities
3,450 community members sensitized on gender issues through Gender Action Groups

Path to Resilience: Women’s Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction. Thatta, Sindh. 2013-2014
Path to Resilience: Women’s Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction. Thatta, Sindh. 2013-2014

Path to Resilience: Women’s Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction. Thatta, Sindh. 2013-2014

Socio-economic empowerment, adult literacy, and improved disaster resilience are helping disaster-affected communities in Thatta reduce poverty, hunger, and gender inequality.

Socio-economic empowerment, adult literacy, and improved disaster resilience are helping disaster-affected communities in Thatta reduce poverty, hunger, and gender inequality.

Socio-economic empowerment, adult literacy, and improved disaster resilience are helping disaster-affected communities in Thatta reduce poverty, hunger, and gender inequality.

2014 Achievements

2014 Achievements

2014 Achievements

60 women from four villages completed an adult literacy course from Adult Literacy Center in Jaffar Mallah Village.

60 women from four villages completed an adult literacy course from Adult Literacy Center in Jaffar Mallah Village.

60 women from four villages completed an adult literacy course from Adult Literacy Center in Jaffar Mallah Village.

With assistance from a freelance designer, 60 women received product development training at the vocational center.

With assistance from a freelance designer, 60 women received product development training at the vocational center.

With assistance from a freelance designer, 60 women received product development training at the vocational center.

These women acquired product development training in appliqué and embroidery skills and prepared a range of marketable products. .

These women acquired product development training in appliqué and embroidery skills and prepared a range of marketable products. .

These women acquired product development training in appliqué and embroidery skills and prepared a range of marketable products. .

During exposure visits to Karachi, production supervisors and sales market agents held meeting with potential buyers for income generation.

During exposure visits to Karachi, production supervisors and sales market agents held meeting with potential buyers for income generation.

During exposure visits to Karachi, production supervisors and sales market agents held meeting with potential buyers for income generation.

Several orders for laces, buttons, bags, bed sheets, appliqué work and other products were completed and generated an income of more than Rs 60,000 (USD 600).

Several orders for laces, buttons, bags, bed sheets, appliqué work and other products were completed and generated an income of more than Rs 60,000 (USD 600).

Several orders for laces, buttons, bags, bed sheets, appliqué work and other products were completed and generated an income of more than Rs 60,000 (USD 600).

Several orders for laces, buttons, bags, bed sheets, appliqué work and other products were completed and generated an income of more than Rs 60,000 (USD 600).

Several orders for laces, buttons, bags, bed sheets, appliqué work and other products were completed and generated an income of more than Rs 60,000 (USD 600).

Several orders for laces, buttons, bags, bed sheets, appliqué work and other products were completed and generated an income of more than Rs 60,000 (USD 600).

An opportunity was provided by Community World Service Asia for women to participate in a festival and set up a stall of their products.

An opportunity was provided by Community World Service Asia for women to participate in a festival and set up a stall of their products.

An opportunity was provided by Community World Service Asia for women to participate in a festival and set up a stall of their products.

19 women and 6 men were trained to conduct sexual and reproductive health (SRH) sessions for the community with co-facilitation from project staff.

19 women and 6 men were trained to conduct sexual and reproductive health (SRH) sessions for the community with co-facilitation from project staff.

19 women and 6 men were trained to conduct sexual and reproductive health (SRH) sessions for the community with co-facilitation from project staff.

3,828 community members (995 men and 2,833 women) participated in 97 SRH sessions.

3,828 community members (995 men and 2,833 women) participated in 97 SRH sessions.

3,828 community members (995 men and 2,833 women) participated in 97 SRH sessions.

252 women, 248 men, and 358 school children participated in disaster risk reduction training.

252 women, 248 men, and 358 school children participated in disaster risk reduction training.

252 women, 248 men, and 358 school children participated in disaster risk reduction training.

With assistance from Community World Service Asia project staff, Samani Mallah, President of VO Jaffer Mallah organized an evacuation drill for women and children as preparedness measures for predicted floods in 2014.

With assistance from Community World Service Asia project staff, Samani Mallah, President of VO Jaffer Mallah organized an evacuation drill for women and children as preparedness measures for predicted floods in 2014.

With assistance from Community World Service Asia project staff, Samani Mallah, President of VO Jaffer Mallah organized an evacuation drill for women and children as preparedness measures for predicted floods in 2014.

Additionally Mother and Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) week was organized inBijora in close coordination with Thatta’s health department.

Additionally Mother and Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) week was organized inBijora in close coordination with Thatta’s health department.

Additionally Mother and Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) week was organized inBijora in close coordination with Thatta’s health department.

MNCH activities included a free mobile health camp day, a day training for traditional birth attendants (TBAs), and tetanus toxide (TT) vaccination campaign for women. A rally was also organized to create health awareness in the community.

MNCH activities included a free mobile health camp day, a day training for traditional birth attendants (TBAs), and tetanus toxide (TT) vaccination campaign for women. A rally was also organized to create health awareness in the community.

MNCH activities included a free mobile health camp day, a day training for traditional birth attendants (TBAs), and tetanus toxide (TT) vaccination campaign for women. A rally was also organized to create health awareness in the community.

All project components are integrated to enhance the capacity of vulnerable communities toward sustainable development.
All project components are integrated to enhance the capacity of vulnerable communities toward sustainable development.
All project components are integrated to enhance the capacity of vulnerable communities toward sustainable development.
Community organizations (CO) and village organizations (VO) were mobilized and trained so that they could successfully lead their communities on a sustainable journey toward resilience.
Community organizations (CO) and village organizations (VO) were mobilized and trained so that they could successfully lead their communities on a sustainable journey toward resilience.
Community organizations (CO) and village organizations (VO) were mobilized and trained so that they could successfully lead their communities on a sustainable journey toward resilience.

DurationOct 01, 2013Sep 01, 2016
LocationPunjab and Sindh provinces, Pakistan
Key Activities
  • Awareness-raising workshops educating participants about democracy and discrimination against religious minority communities
  • Training workshops to equip participants with advocacy skills
  • Development and performance of theater pieces by youth from religious minorities within their communities to promote awareness of their rights
  • Peer activities conducted by students to promote awareness among the student body of issues of discrimination
  • Building relationships between university students and youth from religious minorities to create strong links and networks across social divides
Participants200 university students
56 young people from religious minority communities

According to the statistics there is a lot of youth in Pakistan so they have the power to change the nation.

Adnan Nasir, student at University of Central Punjab

I have learned about the actual meaning of democracy and also learned what should be my behavior as a good citizen.

Nazish Jabeen, student at University of Agriculture