Quality & Accountability Hub
Support in aligning policies, procedures & practices with Q&A Standards
Develop Q&A Experts Pool to provide Peer Support
Mentoring & Coaching on Q&A
Deployment of Q&A Expertise during Emergency Response
Q&A Research & Advocacy
Increasing the effectiveness of humanitarian response through enhancing Quality and Accountability (Q&A) mechanisms of front line national organizations in Asia
The annual number, scale and complexity of disasters has reached alarming levels in today’s world. Climate change combined with global trends such as increased urbanization, environmental degradation, rapid population growth, and armed conflicts have lead to unimaginably disastrous consequences .To identify ways to best address the scale and complexity of emerging needs effectively, considering the availability of resources, has become a priority issue of humanitarian organizations globally. The Asia region has been most affected, in terms of frequency and the total number of fatal injuries, by natural and manmade disasters. Over a period of 20 years, Asia has been hit by 2,778 disasters, with 3.8 billion people affected, in addition to nearly 841,000 deaths.
Our strategy is to ensure shifts in mindsets of front line national organizations in Asia and to enhance their capacity to self-monitor levels of Q&A compliance through:
ADRRN’s Q&A Hub is established in 2017. The formation of this thematic hub on quality and accountability will enable ADRRN to play a critical role in strengthening its members capacities on Q&A to make humanitarian response more effective and locally driven.

Quality & Accountability Hub Services
Coaching & Mentoring
Expert Pool
Distance Learning
Regional Hub
Regional Conference
March 2018: Q&A Needs Assessment Survey with ADRRN Members
Community World Service Asia conducted a Q&A needs assessment survey with ADRRN members to jointly learn, share good practices, tools, experience; and strengthen members capacity. The results would better help to facilitate the Q&A hub.
55% organizations among the respondents indicated need to support in Q&A mainstreaming and revising Q&A related policies whereas 75% organization expressed need for in house workshops. Detailed survey report will be available here soon, findings will help to develop future plan for Q&A hub.
April 2018: Humanitarian Innovation Workshop organized in collaboration with ADRRN Tokyo Innovation Hub (ATIH)
In collaboration with ADRRN Tokyo Innovation Hub, the Community World Service Asia (CWSA) organized workshop on Humanitarian Innovation in Pakistan. The objective was to enhance learning concepts of humanitarian innovation; understanding the system surrounding selected key issues in the thematic area; identifying leverage points and the roles of stakeholders for systems’ change.
A total of 13 participants, including CWSA staff, faculty members from COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology Abbottabad, Peshawar University and staff of FATA Disaster Management Authority (FDMA) participated in the workshop. Takeshi Komino, Ikue Uchida representing CWS Japan and Nakamura Kiyomi from Japan Conservation Engineer & Co. facilitated the workshop. Various ideas for innovation in humanitarian funding were introduced and discussed for strengthening the collaborative framework.
May 2018: E-Learning Courses available at Q&A Hub’s dedicated space on Kaya
Q&A Hub is facilitating the ADRRN members capacity on Q&A by providing the E-Learning Platform. It’s expected to enhance the capacity of members for locally driven and more effective humanitarian response.
This platform has been brought to you through a partnership with Humanitarian Leadership Academy. The courses listed under weblink: http://bit.ly/adrrn-qa-kaya have been carefully selected to fortify your learning experience, and to enable you acquire or improve various skills from diverse topics, related to Q&A. Once you identify a course that you need, we urge you to create time for it, complete it, and we would love to hear about your experience.
Quality & Accountability News
Navigating Funding Challenges and Advancing Nature-Based Solutions in Humanitarian
Beyond the Cuts: Upholding Quality and Accountability for Affected Communities Amid Workforce Challenges
Advancing Safeguarding: From tools to trust
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