CWSA conserves trees, water and energy through successful “Going Green” campaign

CWSA conserves trees, water and energy through successful “Going Green” campaign


Community World Service Asia is working towards resource and environmental conversation through an exciting “Going Green” campaign initiated within all its offices in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Under one of its initiatives, our office in Islamabad signed an MOU with Saaf Suthra Shehr in September 2018 to recycle all of the office’s organic waste. Saaf Suthra Shehr (SSS) Private Limited is committed to create environmental management an integral part of development processes, whereby policy makers and public at large start recognizing their responsibility to capitalize on the intrinsic environment-development correlation.

Since 2018, all of the waste from Community World Service Asia’s (CWSA) Islamabad office is divided into organic and inorganic waste and delivered to Saaf Suthra Sheher. In the last one and a half year, CWSA’s Islamabad office has recycled 311Kgs of Paper, 35Kgs of Plastic, 1Kg of Metal, 7Kg of Glass which is equivalent to saving 4 trees, 5857 Liters of water and 1 MW of electricity according to a report provided by Saaf Suthra Sheher. This achievement would not have been possible without the commitment and determination of the organization and all the staff at the Islamabad office who passionately took the responsibility of storing and segregating waste and timely delivering it to the authorized company each month.