CWSA elected on the ICVA board

CWSA elected on the ICVA board


We are thrilled to announce that Community World Service Asia’s Regional Director is elected on the International Council of Voluntary Agencies’s (ICVA) board this term. This marks a milestone for ICVA as it hosted its 19th General Assembly!

During the General Assembly significant decisions were made. The Strategic Priorities 2025-2027 were adopted, amendments to the ICVA Statutes were approved, and the principles and standards were reaffirmed. Additionally, a new Board and Chair were elected. Ms Nimo Hassan, Somali NGO Consortium, was elected as the ICVA Chair. The new board will lead the ICVA membership forward in the next three years.

Together, with ICVA, we’re committed to making humanitarian action more principled and effective by working collectively and independently to influence policy and practice.