During armed conflict, protection and assistance shall be given to those not engaged in the conflict; in particular, the civilian population shall be granted general immunity from attack and reprisals.
The safety and security of people in situations of disaster or conflict is of particular humanitarian concern, including the protection of refugees and internally displaced persons.
We humanitarian agencies acknowledge that our fundamental accountability must be to those we seek to assist.
All people affected by disaster or conflict — women and men, boys and girls — have the right to life with dignity.
All people affected by disaster or conflict — women and men, boys and girls — have the right to receive humanitarian assistance.
We humanitarian agencies are aware that attempts to provide humanitarian assistance may sometimes have unintended adverse effects. In collaboration with affected communities and authorities, we aim to minimise them.

Learn more about this campaign at: www.SphereProject.org/HumanitarianCharter
For further details/ordering the posters please contact: shaprograms@communityworldservice.asia