CWSA is a humanitarian, development, advocacy and capacity enhancement organisation, registered and head-quartered in the global South and implementing capacity enhancement initiatives across the globe. As an organisation, we aim to address factors that divide people by promoting inclusiveness, shared values, diversity, and interdependence. Marginalised communities are assisted irrespective of race, faith, color, age, sex, economic status, or political opinion. Respecting the right to choose how to live, we work with marginalised communities to overcome the impacts of inequalities and lead peaceful, dignified and resilient lives.
Community World Service Asia (CWSA) has been present in the region since decades and continues to partner with local communities, a growing number of Governments, Multi-lateral Organisations, International Professional Networks and a host of National, Local and International NGOs. Our organisation is comprised of a committed governing board and a diverse team who work through a robust accountability framework while maintaining strong relationships with communities and partners.
Our focus areas include: Emergencies, Climate Action & Risk Reduction, Education, Health, Livelihoods, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Equality, Inclusion & Participation (EIP) and, Quality and Accountability (Q&A). We engage in the self-implementation of projects, cooperation through partners, and the provision of capacity building trainings and resources at the national, regional and global levels.
To strengthen and extend the reach of our commitments to promoting quality and accountability in humanitarian response, we are a member of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance. We are the Sphere Country Focal Point in Pakistan and the Regional Partner in Asia for Sphere. We are also the focal point for maintaining the Asian Disaster Risk Reduction Network’s (ADRRN) Q&A Hub in the region through which we aim to increase the effectiveness of humanitarian response through enhancing Q&A mechanisms of front-line national organisations in Asia.
Community World Service Asia is ISO 9001:2015 certified and has also received the USAID management standards certification. We have also been certified as a Gender Friendly Organisation (GFO) in Pakistan and have undergone the CHS Self Assessment. In 2024, CWSA became certified by the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) for demonstrating excellence and leadership as per NPO evaluation standards notified by FBR. Our commitment and capacities enable us to collaborate with key partners on advocating, building capacity, and enhancing quality and accountability of humanitarian action both within Pakistan and the wider region. In line with our organisational mandate, we closely follow the Sendai Framework for Action and through our programming, we work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 in the region.
Our membership in professional entities includes many of the most influential in the humanitarian and development sectors; notably, the ACT Alliance, the ADRRN, Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development (ACBAR), the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance (ALNAP), Alliance for Empowering Partnerships (A4EP), the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR), the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA). Community World Service Asia (CWSA) is an associate member of the Pakistan Humanitarian Forum (PHF) and CIVICUS and is a member of the START Network, the Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change (CSCCC) and a close working partner of the National Commission of Human Rights in Pakistan (NCHR). We are signatories to the Climate & Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Code of Conduct for NGOs in Disaster Relief and also adhere to other policies including a Code of Conduct for Child Protection and the Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS).